About Me

It's me; Hali Power

My name is Hali Power. It took be years to actually reflect on my career choices to decide to go back to web development. Now that I have, I will never be going back! What was lacking for me in my other job choices is the fact I wanted to continuously learn. Web development provides this with a constant changing environment with new technologies to learn and develop! With this passion for learning, I am a very motivated person that loves working with a group as well as working remotely. ...

I originally hail from Canada (eh?), however, aside from my passion for web development, I love travelling the world. This is also another motivation for immersing myself in the web development world as it provides a more flexible work environment where I can go where I want, doing what I love. I also share this passion for coding and travelling with my passion for puzzle games, which you can find me playing if not doing the former two activities. If you also share the same passions or wish to inquire more about myself check the links below!


Sing Along!

Sing Along screen cap

An app using two APIs to search for music videos and the lyrics will appear alongside so you can "Sing Along!". You can make anywhere you karaoke bar!


Soapify: A Beginner's Lye Calculator

Soapify App Screenshot

A fullstack application for beginners of soap making. Calculates the amount of lye required for the most used oils in soap making. Deployed using heroku and zeit.


Responsive Website Demo (HTML)

Responsive Demo Screenshot

A demonstration of a responsive website. Please bear in mind that not all the links work properly as this is just a demonstration of my work of responsive design. FOR DEMONSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY.


Noteful: Note Taking App

Noteful App screenshot

A simple note taking application where you can organize by folders. This is a fullstack application deployed using heroku and zeit.


World Guide

World Guide Screenshot

A fullstack informational app. Shows you the flag, location, language, places of interest, and local phrases of a certain country. Deployed using heroku and zeit.


Manatee Quiz

Manatee Quiz screen cap

This is a project of a simple multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of manatees (one of my favourite animals!). It takes you through 10 multiple-choice questions and if you get the correct answer you are rewarded with a very cute picture of a manatee. Why not test your knowledge?


Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in hiring, networking, or just want to chat.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!